Muscle contraction is a complex process with one simple objective of enabling the movement to an organism. This complex process can be studied from many different levels, and the knowledge about the musculo-skeletal system reaps benefits in a number of different areas or professions. Generally, the human health during the lifespan is very closely related to normal and effective function of this particular system.
Two basic types of muscle contractions are isotonic and isometric. With isotonic, the muscle gets shorter during the contraction, and with isometric, it stays the same lenght. The special type of excercise called isometry is using isometric contractions for developing the strenght of muscles and joints. It's used during the rehabilitations, like for example after having a cast for certain period due the broken bone. The muscle is feeble and significantly smaller so normal exercise is out of question.
It's also benefitial for those confined to bed temporarily or long-term. Isometry is basically flexing the muscles without moving or twisting of arms or legs during the contraction. It can be executed by pressing against unmovable object ( for example wall or bed), or simply by pressing two hand against each other. The best thing is that it doesn't require any equipment or skill, and it can be done anywhere and by anyone.
Another special type of involuntary muscle contractions would be cramp or twitching. Stretching and massage are usually very effective in calming down the muscle, as those things usually happen after prolonged exercise or fasting, where the fine balance of electrolytes in the body is disturbed.
Muscle contraction works on all-or-none basis as there is no such thing as partial contraction. Plus, it's followed by so-called refractory period, during which the muscle is getting back ready for another contraction.
There are three basic types of muscle tissue in the body:
a) cardiac - muscle of the heart
b) smooth - muscle in the gut / involuntary
c) striated - skeletal / voluntary muscles
Striated muscles then divides further into two types:
a) tonic - slow fibres holding mostly the posture
b) phasic - twitch fibres of two types:
1 - slow (red fibres)
2 - fast (white fibres)
Another division could be seen depending on the conditions around the muscle contraction. More specifically, it can be done with the presence or the absence of oxygen.
a) aerobic - with oxygen / using oxygen
b) anaerobic - without oxygen / creating oxygen dept
This oxygen dept is then compensated in the body by flooding the muscle with toxic compound called lactic acid. Accumulation of this substance in the muscle gives that characteristic feeling of burning in the muscle, during and at the end of very vigorous exercise. Lactic acid needs to be quickly eliminated that's why the burning stops soon after you stop moving. Because it's toxic, it's presence is dangerous to the organism, which is dealing with it three possible ways:
a) oxidize to pyruvic acid
b) convert to carbs
c) neutralized and excreted
Lactic acid and it's effect will make you stop moving, as any further movement at that precise point is litterally painful. It can flood the blood and liver and destroy the living tissue. Regular aerobic exercise and intake of quality food increase the resistance of body towards lactic acid, and more lean muscle tissue the person possess, longer the person can excercise without being stopped by accumulated lactic acid.
This diagram shows nicely how muscle contraction actuallly work on the tissue level. Actin and myosin myofilaments work together to create the complex called actomyosin. This complex is then capable of sliding the actin and myosin against each other, and sort of fold them up, shortening the overall lenght of the muscle fibre. Sarcomeres is a fancy term for the muscle cells, and all this model is called sliding filament hypothesis.
For muscle contraction to occur, there is a number of conditions that needs to be met, and there is actually a stream of insights coming from knowing those conditions. For the sake of simplicity, I created a simple list:
- the presence of the protein called actin
- the presence of the protein called myosin
- the presence of Ca
- the presence of Mg
- the presence of ATP
- the presence of creatine phosphate
- calcium pumps has enough of Ca pumped in
Simply put, calcium pumps located on the plasma membrane, pumps in calcium, which triggers all the other processes. Creatine phosphate is another, alternative source of energy in the muscles. They chip in when there is a shortage of ATP, or the exercise is so vigorous, that all energy sources are in the action.
On molecular level, the muscle has three big sources of energy to reach for. All three are continously available at all times, what differ is the ratios between them, which correlate with the state or activity of body. Plus they differ in how long they can be available, and the time for their recovery. Three form of energy are:
1. fats - triglycerides
2. glucose - monosaccharides
3. creatine phosphate
Fats are the biggest contributor supplying heart and all energy needed for keeping the posture, along with very slow movement. Fat are continuously used by muscles even if you don't move at all. Technically, fats can never run out completelly from the whole body, but their usage by muscles is limited, because it depends on the oxygen input. And that, in turn, depends on the state of your lungs, heart, and basically the whole body. So to burn more fat than you usually do, you need to improve the state of almost whole body.
Glucose is the type of monosaccharide and serves as main energy source for the brain with whole nervous system, which runs only on glucose. Then, muscles use glucose along with its secret source of it - the glycogen. This is sort of animal version of complex carbohydrates and it can be stored in muscles and liver. From there it can be used at any point, and when you then eat carbs again, you refill it.
Interesting thing is the ratio of fats and glucose in which muscles use them. Supposing you are lying down on the bed without moving. Fat / glucose ration would be about 70/30. But the moment you start moving fat goes down and glucose up. The quicker you will move, further the fats will go down, and glucose up in the ratio. Get the picture?
Creatine phosphate is very interesting substance stored in the muscles only. It start working only when we move very fast, or for longer time. It's the additional source of energy that is available for the muscles in the times of shortage of both fats and glucose. There is quite limited amount of creatine phosphate in muscles, so suppose you start running as fast as you can, it can last for about ten seconds. When you stop, and not move for another 30 seconds, it will be replaced with freshly-new made one.
The storage of this substance can be increased by involving the body or muscles in heavy exercise in short bursts. This is the case of sprinters or bodybuilders for example. They train muscles to develop bigger creatine phosphate stores in order to achive greater performance, or appearance. Those three types of energy can be then combined to bring about the movement or sport we need.
This very nice flow diagram describes the muscle contraction cycle in four steps. The diagram is pretty much self-explanatory, so it's all the question of reading and trying to understand. First I recommend to map out the symbols from the key in the grey box, and then reading the steps should make easily a lot of sense on closer observation and study. Good luck and enjoy.
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