
About central dogma in biology

Central dogma in biology dates back to 1958, when F. Crick proposed a theory that explained the flow of information within the organism. Moreover, it can be represented in the form of the flow diagram, as you can see right here in the picture, which I borrowed from the book Genetic engineering - dreams and nightmares. The information flow starts from nucleic acids, which are building rocks of DNA, our genetic code. That's all in the nucleus of basically every cell.
In there, DNA strand is split apart, and one strand leaves nucleus as messanger RNA, or mRNA. This molecule carries information about how to make various proteins needed for the body. So out of nucleus, and in the cytoplasm, mRNA is processesed and used for protein synthesis.
Protein synthesis comes in four structural steps called primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures. Primary structure consists of the chain of amino acids, and secondary is already building blocks like alpha-helixes or beta-pleated sheets. Those are then used in numerous combinations to create many different proteins. Those are then transported out of the cell into the place where it will be used for building or regenerating the new or existing tissue. And that's how the organism is built up.
Now we get to the point where this dogma becomes a dogma.This way of information flow was thought to be not revearsable, or simply put, it's only one-way street. But the scientific research and fast progress in genetic engineering proved that the opposite way is also possible. Study of retroviruses like Rous sarcoma virus, or bacteria like Escherichia coli (E. coli), showed that those micro-organisms contain an enzyme, which is able to create brand new DNA code. This enzyme is called reverse transcriptase.
In order to do this, it first creates so called complimentary DNA, or shortly cDNA. This is then compared with mRNA, because this serves as a template for reverse transcriptase. Here is where evolution and natural selection will play a part for a while, and the end/best result is then doubled and twisted by DNA polymerase - another enzyme. Well, and the new DNA is ready.
The research on viruses and bacteria has been proved to be very beneficial in many ways. For example many enzymes and hormones can be synthetically produced in laboratories using bacteria or viruses. This has been a huge relief from getting all those needed substances by natural ways, that is from people. Pharmacology experienced a big boom since, and is still evolving and developing, along with genetic engineering, as one of the leading research programs to date.    


Glycogen window - the essay on glycogen

Glycogen is the molecule built up from small rings of glucose (see the picture). It's structure is highly branched, which left a lot of space inbetween, and this space needs to be filled up with water. Glycogen reserves are located in the liver, holding 25% of it and the resting 75% is in the muscles.
Total amount of glycogen, which the body can produce and store is around 500g in average (meaning untrained) person. With the increase of muscle mass in bodybuilders or athletes, this reserve can add up to 1100g. To imagine this, take for example 1 kg loaf of white bread. That would be something over 500g of complex carbohydrates, which would be the exact amount of glycogen created from eating that whole loaf.
Supposing you eat that loaf on 3-4 times during the whole day. Your body needed to cover the energy for that day, and the night that follows. So when you wake up in the mornig, out of those 500g, you can have something less then half left. Plus, if you add up some exercise during the day, the demand of your body for carbohydrates will be even bigger. So here's where the phrase glycogen window start to pick up a proper meaning.
Glycogen window metaphorically means eating a lots of carbs and still not having enough of them for the body to process. It's like you would throw them out of window, literally. They disappear somewhere in your stomach, and get soaked into your muscles. That, of course, under the condition that you trained to stimulate growth, and provided sufficient rest for recuperation and restoring all used up nutrients.
Muscle growth is not facilitated only by storing extra glycogen. As mentioned earlier, additional mass contain a lots of water, as it's estimated to count 2-3g of water as an addition to every gram of glycogen itself. Plus, after training, muscles stock up on extra fats, and extra creatine phosphate to cover the energy. All together looks as pure muscle on the outside, because all those substances are inside of muscle, or around muscle fibres.
Otherwise, after reaching the adulthood, the number of muscle fibres stays the same for the rest of the life for everybody. Muscles are getting bigger only by storing the extra energy. And the volume can be added right into the muscle cells or fibres, or around them in so-called sarcoplasm, as an extra storage.

 This flow diagram shows the pathways from glucose to glycogen and back. The whole process take place in the liver cells. Glucose from blood enter liver cells and gets phosphorylated twice before start stacking them into branches of glycogen. The process of creating glycogen out of glucose is called glycogenesis, and the opposite process of breaking it down back to glucose is called glycogenolysis.