Red blood cells (or RBCs), also medically called erythrocytes, have a lifetime around 120 days, during which they appear and operate at many different places. Then, they undertake the process of breaking them down, once they become old. So it would be the best to start at the beginning, meaning the production of them.
They are created in red bone marrow, meaning inside of bones. For their production, there is a need of certain nutrients and conditions to be present. Those are the molecule of iron (3 atoms of Fe joined together), vitamin B12, Folic acid, hormone erythopoietin, and protein globin. I will get to the explanation of each of those as I go along in the post.
First let's look at the RBC from the structural level. One such a cell is filled up with a lots of proteins called the hemoglobin (about 280 millions). This hemoglobin consists of two basic parts - the heme and the globin. Already mentioned globin is a protein created from two (alpha and beta) polypeptide chains, which is basically many amino acids (building blocks) connected to each other into long, but at many points twisted chains. The precise sequence of different amino acids in that chain is dictated by DNA.
Every molecule of hemoglobin has 2 of these chains and 4 hemes, the parts in the middle of which resides the molecule of iron. So once the RBC is finished in the red bone marrow, it enters the bloodstream, where it does its job for already mentioned 120 days. Now would be a good time to say something about that job they do.
The job of RBCs
In the lungs, the hemoglobin picks up oxygen, super nitric oxide (SNO), along with some other gases. Then it carries them to the tissues, where they are being used as the fuel, and many other functions. Once those gases are unloaded, the space is straight away filled up with carbon dioxide, nitric oxide (NO), and some other gases. Those are then carried back to lungs to get rid of them by breathing out, as they represent the waste products of metabolism and many other functions.
I think that it's worth to mention that all this loading and unloading is happening by the process called the diffusion, which is very fast system. During those 120 days, they undergo certain changes, and become "sort of" worn out. And they need to be broken down into their initial components, so let's go to explaining that.
Breaking down of RBCs
Firstly, in the liver or spleen, they split into those two basic parts - the heme and the globin. Each of them then follow separate routes. The globin is broken down back into amino acids, which enter the bloodstream, and are further being used for the synthesis of another proteins. So no wasting in here.
The heme part, which is much, much smaller then the globin, splits into the molecules of iron and biliverdin, which is the green pigment, that is straight away converted into bilirubin - the yellow pigment. Both parts (iron and bilirubin) then enter the bloodstream and then they get to the liver. The liver then sends the iron back to the red bone marrow using the transport protein called transferrin, which grabs the iron molecule and looks after the safe delivery of it throughout the bloodstream.
Once the iron is back in bones, it's used again for creating a brand new RBC. It only has to add the missing parts - the globin, vitamin B12 and Folic acid (which both serve as catalysts), and the hormone erythopoietin, which function as signalling molecule, produced by kidneys. This hormone basically brings the information about how many of new RBCs are needed to be done.
Ok so that was the iron part, now let's get back to the bilirubin part, which is slighly more complex. Hopefully not too much. The liver sends this bilirubin into the small intestine via the bile, from where it moves down to the large intestine. There, some friendly bacteria convert it into the urobilinogen, which can get out by two possible ways.
It's either converted to stercobilin, still in the large intestine, and go out with feces. Stercobilin is basically the brown pigment, giving feces their characteristic color. Or the other way is that they are moved from the large intestine to kidneys, where it's converted into urobilin, and get out in the urine.
So this is it. The whole life cycle of one RBC. Probably sounds as a long and complicated journey on the first reading, but I'm sure that on the second one, it might just make sense easily. I prepared two flow diagrams, which I present one above the other, partly because I couldn't decide which one is better (they are both brilliant). But mostly, because this way, you can actually see a lots of small details in which they differ, giving you even bigger picture, and easier understanding.
Still some important info needs to be said. The production and breaking down of RBCs are normally at the same rate, so the number of them in the body stays constant. The only two (still healthy) exeptions would be:
1. going and staying in the area of higher altitude then usually, where the concentration of oxygen is lower, so the body will have to conpensate this change by making and keeping more RBCs, or
2. after some heavy-duty exercise, the oxygen consumption can be go up even to 20 times higher, so the deficit is then made up by making some extra RBCs.
I said still healthy, because there is a number of unhealthy ways, meaning diseases, in which this balance can be broken. Plus, there is a dangerous procedure called Blood Doping, in which some athletes inject extra RBCs before the sporting event, giving them extra power and energy. This procedure is, of course, banned by the International Olympics Committee, as it presents a number of risks to the person's health.
See you next time.
I have read the Ross and Wilson text book but found difficulty in understanding the destruction of RBC. Reading your explanation about the breaking down of RBC helps me to understand clearly.
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